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Undying Hunger - Jessica Lee
Undying Hunger - Jessica Lee

Audiolibro Undying Hunger

Jessica Lee
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

Prezzo online:

All she can remember is hunger for him.

A year ago, Alexandria Stevens strode through the doors of Wicked Ways and into the arms of a mana monster, reallywho stole everything from her. Her memory. Her life. Now she's a creature of darkness with only hazy images in her mind of that night and a confusing jumble of emotions. A fierce hate and an even fiercer desire for Markus Santini.

Markus has walked through this world for more than a hundred years, knowing exactly who and what he was, until Alexandria undid it all. Undid him. When a former vampire colleague threatens one of the Enclave's own, Markus is neededbut only as the dark, powerful creature he once was. And in order to become that, he must find redemption in the arms of a woman who despises him with every breath she can no longer take.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:28.00

Pubblicato 13/04/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781799938330

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Undying Hunger

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