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Untying Parent Anxiety (Years 58)

Lisa Sugarman
pubblicato da Familius

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Raising the perfect child . . . it's our dream as parents.

But the reality is: the perfect child doesn't exist. Yet parents everywhere are putting the full-court press on their kids to be perfect, fixating on raising them to be smarter, faster, more successful, and more popular than their peers. And that's making today's parents and their children crazy.

In Untying Parent Axniety,nationally syndicated humor columnist and author Lisa Sugarman reminds us that our kids aren't supposed to be perfect. (And neither are we.) They're going to screw up, make mistakes, and lose their way. And as soon as we embrace the idea that parenthood is not a straight line, we unlock everyone's full potential.

Drawing on her life as the perfectly imperfect mother of two daughters and more than a decade of working in the school system, Sugarman deconstructs some of the biggest myths facing parents and offers advice and strategies to help soothe anxious moms and dads.

Cycling through everything from friend drama and separation anxiety to playing nice and emotional development, Untying Parent Anxiety is a funny but honest journey through the most common stages of raising kids that reinforces that parenthood is a beautiful, imperfect work in progress.

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Editore Familius

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/03/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781944822590

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Untying Parent Anxiety (Years 58)

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