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"Uprooted reveals how a late-life uprooting changed Dickey as a gardener." The Wall Street Journal

When Page Dickey moved away from her celebrated garden at Duck Hill, she left a landscape she had spent thirty-four years making, nurturing, and loving. She found her next chapter in northwestern Connecticut, on 17 acres of rolling fields and woodland around a former Methodist church. In Uprooted, Dickey reflects on this transition and on what it means for a gardener to start again.

In these pages, follow her journey: searching for a new home, discovering the ins and outs of the landscape surrounding her new garden, establishing the garden, and learning how to be a different kind of gardener. The surprise at the heart of the book? Although Dickey was sad to leave her beloved garden, she found herself thrilled to begin a new garden in a wilder, larger landscape.

Written with humor and elegance, Uprooted is an endearing story about transitionsand the satisfaction and joy that new horizons can bring.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Giardinaggio, altri titoli » Ecologia e Ambiente » Conservazione e gestione territorio , Romanzi e letteratura » Classici » Epistolari , Storia e Biografie » Biografie Diari e Memorie » Memorie

Editore Timber Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/09/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781643260518

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