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Urban Fly Fishing Dallas - Fort Worth

Greg DeMars
pubblicato da Imbrifex Books

Prezzo online:

Urban Waters, Wild Catch!
Discover the hidden angling gems of the DallasFort Worth Metroplex with Urban Fly Fishing Dallas-Fort Worth, the ultimate guide to fishing in an urban oasis. Local fly fishing expert Greg DeMars takes readers on a journey to uncover fish-rich creeks and streams tucked within the bustling cityscape. Perfect for beginners and seasoned anglers alike, this guide offers detailed directions to scenic, accessible locationsmany just steps away from dog parks, green spaces, and paved trails**.

What's inside:**

  • More than 70 parking and access points on 17 streams and ponds

  • Five sections, each covering a different area of the Metroplex

  • Detailed maps and descriptions

  • More than 300 color photographs, including close-ups of the key sport fish available

  • How to read the water to catch more fish

  • The most effective fly patterns and detailed tying instructions

  • How to enjoy the springtime white bass run

  • When and where to catch trout in north Texas

  • Local fly shops, guides, clubs, and groups

  • History, culture, and fascinating fishing facts about Dallas-Fort Worth

  • Angler-friendly hangouts, brewpubs, and restaurants

This book redefines what it means to fish in the city. A must-have resource for any angler looking to explore the Metroplex's surprising natural beauty.

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Urban Fly Fishing Dallas - Fort Worth

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