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VICTEROTICA I (Sex Stories from the Victorian Age)

pubblicato da The Oleander Press

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Great Value! The first collection of Wildheart's rare, steamy, Victorian short stories and novellas, all originally published prior to 1900 - wild, spicy and debauched tales of sexual excess. The Victorians certainly had plenty of erotic passion running deep under the prim facade of 19th Century society...
Very crude, very rude and great fun.

The Amatory Experiences of a Surgeon
- A young doctor sets out on his path of perversity...
A Novice's Temptation
- An innocent nun is corrupted by her confessor...
The Adventures and Amours of a Barmaid
- Polly leaves the family business on her road to the oldest profession
The Disembodied Spirit
- A ghost gets to experience young love requited...
The Simple Tale of Susan Aked
- Young Susan starts off on a journey of discovery and we get to come along for the many rides...

Definitiely 18+ with gratuitous scenes of all types of sexual activity.
Length: 69000 Words, c. 230 Print pages

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Chick lit e Rosa contemporanei , Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore The Oleander Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/08/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781909349179

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VICTEROTICA I (Sex Stories from the Victorian Age)

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