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Milo must choose between risking his life to save both the human and magical universesor to live and save only his ownin the explosive and fast-paced follow-up to the first novel in the Nightsiders series, which Kirkus Reviews called "the perfect mix of science fiction and magic" in a starred review.

After joining forces with the magical Nightsiders and surviving a trip to the enemy Bugs' Hive ship, Milo Silk still has a lot to fear.

The Huntsman has pledged a revenge worse than death on Milo, a group of nefarious fairies are bent on taking back Earth, and zombie-like holo-men are trapping humans for the Bugs to take. Even more unsettling is that the Witch of the World has disappeared and a mysterious boy is haunting Milo's dreams in her stead.

But none of these threats compare to what may happen to the world if the humans and the Nightsiders don't unite to fight for each other.

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Editore Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/08/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781481415804

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Vault of Shadows

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