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To avenge what she loves she must do what she hates...

After Angie Rice's husband and 5-year-old daughter are senselessly murdered during a drug hit in a small desert border town, the sociopathic sheriff, Buck Dankworth, displays the bodies of two Mexican men to the media and declares they are the killers.

Angie knows the real killers are being shielded by Dankworth, who is protecting his empire of crime and corruption. And she knows the only way she will get justice is by taking the law into her own hands.

A darkly engrossing thrill ride, Vengeance is a shattering tale of violence, corruption, loss and redemption.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Avventura » Avventura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller

Editore Pulp Master

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 15/07/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798201545260

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