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Vengeance is an addiction, a need, a necessity.

Vengeance is all Samantha is living for.

They took her dignity; they caused her pain.

They will pay.

Samantha has come a long way from being the daughter of Satan's right-hand man. She's been burned down to her soul, and she's back to find the one who ordered her torture. Together with her best friend, an order of militant nuns, and a tech wizard, she's out to take down the leader of the movement. In the battle between good and evil, faith and vengeance are all that are left.

This thriller is a continuation of the Victor McCain series, telling Samantha's story between the events of The Speaker and Revenge.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Thriller e suspence , Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy » Horror e gotica , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Hydra Publications

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 04/06/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781393941354

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