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Venice and the Anthropocene

Serenella Iovino - AA.VV. Artisti Vari
pubblicato da Wetlands

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What does Venice look like when observed from the perspective of climate change, environmental collapse, and human-animal relations in an age of industrialization and mass extinction? That is, as a privileged observatory of the Anthropocene? This guide, composed of several voices, forms a new, illuminating and disturbing mosaic of Venice and its Lagoon. What does the Venetian School of Painting tell us about our relationship with the environment and animals? What do peripheral places in the Lagoon like Porto Marghera and Pellestrina reveal about the advent and impact of modernity? What stories of extinction lie behind local delicacies like baccalĂ  mantecato? What does the centuries-old relationship of Venetians with water tell us about other cities threatened by an increasingly hostile climate? The guidebook, accompanied by a map, is intended as a tool for learning about the city in a new way. Venice emerges here as a unique ecosystem at risk, but also as a key to understanding our increasingly vulnerable world. Preface by Serenella Iovino

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Ecologia e Ambiente » Inquinamento e minacce per l'ambiente » Pensiero e organizzazioni ambientaliste , Scienza e Tecnica » Geografia » Geografia umana, politica ed economica

Editore Wetlands

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/05/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791280930248

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Venice and the Anthropocene

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