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Venom By Donny Cates Vol. 6

Donny Cates
pubblicato da Marvel Entertainment

Prezzo online:
-13 %

Collects Venom (2018) #31-34, 200. Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman bring their three-year saga to a stunning close! The horrifying threat of the King in Black, all-powerful god of the symbiote race, has loomed large for years. Now, after millennia of imprisonment, Knull and his symbiote army have arrived on Earth! But what is Knull's hideous agenda? And what happens to Venom when he finally comes face-to-face with the lord of the abyss? Eddie Brock is about to face the biggest challenge of his life, but he's not alone. Who will stand by his side in Earth's darkest hour? And do any of them have the slightest chance of success? Nothing will ever be the same for the Lethal Protector!

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi

Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302938932

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Venom By Donny Cates Vol. 6

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