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The 'ShipCraft' series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warships. Previously, these have generally covered plastic and resin models of 20th century subjects, but this volume is a radical departure not only a period sailing ship but one for which kits are available in many different materials and scales. This requires some changes to the standard approach, but the main features of the series remain constant. Victory, Nelson's flagship at Trafalgar, is probably the world's most famous sailing warship, and survives in restored form at Portsmouth. With lavish illustration, this book takes the modeller through a brief history of the ship, highlighting differences in appearance over her long career. Detailed color profiles reveal decorative detail and changes to paint schemes over 250 years, and outline some of the debatable features experts still disagree about. The modelling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets for super-detailing, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit, including the complexities of rigging. This is followed by an extensive photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and coverage concludes with a section on research references books, monographs, large-scale plans and relevant websites. Following the pattern of the series, this book provides an unparalleled level of visual information paint schemes, models, line drawings and photographs and is simply the best reference for anyone setting out to model this imposing three-decker.

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Editore Pen & Sword Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/11/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781399085748

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