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» Romanzi e Letterature » Racconti e antologie letterarie
William Hope Hodgson pubblicato da Robert Larson
The Voice in the Night by William Hope Hodgson is a chilling tale of survival and the unknown. A ship becalmed in the Pacific is approached by a mysterious voice in the darkness. A lone man in a rowboat, starving and desperate, begs for food but refuses to come aboard. As the sailors reluctantly help him, he reveals a horrifying tale of shipwreck, starvation, and a strange, fungal infection that has ravaged him and his fiancée. The story takes a nightmarish turn as the man's pleas for help become increasingly desperate and the sailors are forced to confront the terrifying reality of their encounter.
Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Racconti e antologie letterarie
Editore Robert Larson
Formato Audiolibro
Durata 00:31.51
Pubblicato 10/09/2024
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 9798882481635 9798882481635
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