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A Voyage to Terra Australis: 1801-1810

Matthew Flinders
pubblicato da Musaicum Books

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Matthew Flinders' 'A Voyage to Terra Australis: 1801-1810' is a classic work of exploration literature that chronicles Flinders' circumnavigation of Australia and his meticulous mapping of the continent's coastlines. Written in a straightforward and meticulous style, the book provides detailed accounts of the landscapes, peoples, and wildlife encountered during Flinders' voyage. It also delves into the scientific observations made by Flinders and his crew, showcasing his keen curiosity and commitment to expanding human knowledge of the natural world. The book is a valuable resource for historians, geographers, and anyone interested in the early exploration of Australia. Flinders' clear and engaging prose makes the text accessible to a wide audience, while his dedication to accuracy and detail ensures its enduring relevance in the field of exploration literature. Matthew Flinders was a British navigator and cartographer who played a key role in the mapping of Australia's coastline. His passion for exploration and dedication to scientific inquiry are evident throughout 'A Voyage to Terra Australis,' making it a must-read for anyone fascinated by the history of exploration and discovery.

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Generi Viaggi e turismo » Guide turistiche » Escursioni » Europa

Editore Musaicum Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/01/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4066338114600

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A Voyage to Terra Australis: 1801-1810

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