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Wakefield Stories

John Casey - Mark Burnett
pubblicato da John Casey

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"By the time we pulled in to the parking lot of Wilson Automotive, I had plenty of time to ponder the fact that that I was following an old pal who had the personality of a Scottish clan chief from the seventeenth century, bent on physical contact with knuckle dragging rednecks, that I'd be involved in it, and that on my own, I don't experience much conflict."

Ed Wakefiled attempts to live quietly in Fort Smith, Arkansas as he ponders his recent divorce and searches for his niche in the world of work. Unaware perhaps that he is drawn to people whose lives are disorderly or dramatic, and feeling compelled to maintain some loyalty or connection to them, disruptive events consequently shatter his tranquility and force him to make decisions as he struggles with uncertainty.

Four stories by an Arkansas writer

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore John Casey

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/08/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780578251202

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Wakefield Stories

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