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Wanted Undead or Alive:

Janice Gable Bashman - Jonathan Maberry
pubblicato da Citadel Press

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Discover the nature of Evil. . . and how to kick its butt!

These days you can't swing an undead lycanthrope without hitting a Minion of Evil. They're everywhere--TV, film, the basement. . .right behind you! It's never been more important to know what you can do to keep them at bay. Garlic? silver bullets? holy water? torch-wielding mob?

From today's foremost experts on nightmares-come-to-life, this indispensible guide identifies and describes mankind's enemies--supernatural beasts, ghosts, vampires, serial killers, etc.--and unearths effective time-proven responses to each horrific threat.

Separate fact from fiction, the deadly from the merely creepy.
Learn when to stand your ground and when to run screaming for your life.
Determine which monster-specific heroes to call and their likelihood of success.
Consider your own potential as a Champion for Good, Conqueror of the Damned.

Whether we're talking ancient vampire hunters or modern-day FBI profilers, it's good to know someone's got your back in the eternal struggle between Good and Evil. And this book, with over fifty illustrations, as well as commentary from luminaries like filmmaker John Carpenter, author Peter Straub, and the legendary Stan Lee, provides all the information and reassurance you need to sleep soundly at night. Just not too soundly.

With 8 pages of color art

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Mente, corpo, spirito

Editore Citadel Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/09/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780806534336

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