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Warlord of the Spinward Reaches

Blaze Ward
pubblicato da Knotted Road Press

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When a new species of alien pirates decide to raid Uly's Bastion, they draw the ire of the Corsac Fox himself. But Uly also understands mercy, and travels to their homeworld to understand his new neighbors.

Thus begins a sail into the very legends of the Isann themselves, and a mystery thousands of years old, that will upend everything Uly and Dan understand about Humanity.

Book Four of the Corsac Fox, an exciting new military space opera series.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantascienza » Fantasy , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Knotted Road Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 10/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781644704042

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Warlord of the Spinward Reaches

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