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Warriors: Path of a Warrior

Erin Hunter
pubblicato da HarperCollins

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A collection of three thrilling, never-before-seen novellas in the #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series: Redtail's Debt, Tawnypelt's Clan, and Shadowstar's Life.

Discover untold stories about three dedicated warriors: a ThunderClan warrior who dared to stand in the way of the ambitious cat who would become Tigerstar; a ShadowClan deputy who made the difficult decision to step down for the good of her Clan; and the brave warrior who was the first leader to lose her ninth life.

Spectacular new adventures await both first-time readers and dedicated fans of the series that has sold more than twenty-three million copies!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Animali » Avventura » Avventura » Horror e fantasmi » Fantasy e magia

Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/04/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780062798855

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Warriors: Path of a Warrior

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