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We Can See Into Another Place

Andrea Rexilius
pubblicato da Bower House

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-17 %

In this thought-provoking, multi-genre anthology, editor Andrea Rexilius gathers some of Denver's most inspiring literary voices to explore the nuances of social justice with unflinching candor. Through comic panels, short stories, nonfiction essays, plays and poetry, the collection beautifully illustrates how the written word, in all its forms, can impart healing and empower readers to seek social change. Contributors include: Olivia Abtahi, R. Alan Brooks, Steven Dunn, Carolina Ebeid, Steven Cole Hughes, Kristen Iversen, Traci L. Jones, Tarashea Nesbit, Lori Ostlund, Khadijah Queen, Jenny Shank, Suzi Q. Smith, Christine Sneed, Mathangi Subramanian, Addie Tsai, Denise Vega, Rachel Weaver, Erika T. Wurth, David Heska, Wanbli Weiden.

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Editore Bower House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781917895224

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We Can See Into Another Place

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