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We are the Weather

Jonathan Safran Foer
pubblicato da Penguin Books Ltd

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'Read this book. Saving Planet Earth starts right here, right now' Stella McCartney

From the bestselling author of Eating Animals, a brilliantly fresh and accessible take on climate change - and what we can do about it

'Climate change is the greatest crisis humankind has ever faced.
It is that straightforward, that fraught.
Where were you when you made your decision?'

It is all too easy to feel paralysed and hopeless in the face of climate crisis, but the truth is that every one of us has the power to change history's course. We have done it before: making collective sacrifices to protect our freedoms, our families, our way of life. And we can do it again.

In this extraordinarily powerful and deeply personal book, Jonathan Safran Foer lays bare the battle to save the planet. Calling each one of us to action, he answers the most urgent question of all: what will it take for things to change?

It all starts with what we eat for breakfast.

'Eye-opening' New York Times Book Review

'Safran Foer's new approach gives me hope' Observer

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We are the Weather

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