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Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1st 100 Pages)

Noah Webster
pubblicato da DigiCat

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Noah Webster's 'Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1st 100 Pages)' is a seminal work in the field of lexicography, providing readers with a comprehensive and authoritative collection of words and their definitions. Known for his clear and concise writing style, Webster's dictionary is essential for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and deepen their understanding of the English language. The book's literary context lies within the tradition of reference books designed to educate and inform, making it a valuable resource for students, scholars, and writers alike. Noah Webster, a prominent American lexicographer and language reformer, was driven by a desire to standardize the English language and promote literacy among Americans. His dedication to language education and linguistic precision is evident in the meticulous attention to detail present in 'Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.' Through his work, Webster aimed to provide readers with a tool for effective communication and intellectual growth. I highly recommend 'Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1st 100 Pages)' to anyone interested in expanding their vocabulary and enhancing their language skills. Noah Webster's dedication to linguistic clarity and precision shines through in this comprehensive and invaluable reference book, making it a must-have for students, writers, and language enthusiasts.

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Linguistica, Semiotica e Semiologia

Editore Digicat

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 8596547384304

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