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What You Can Learn From 10,000 Ants (Collins Shorts, Book 4)

Peter Miller
pubblicato da HarperCollins Publishers

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Collins Shorts insight in an instant.

The swarm behaviour of ant colonies has inspired computer programs for streamlining factory processes, telephone networks, and truck routes find out how in this enlightening short that introduces a new take on the concept of collective intelligence and how it can be used to solve some of our most complex problems in business, science and technology.

Collins Shorts are a fresh look at the ebook short, with the emphasis on vibrant design, animated content and expert authors who can provide accessible insight. They satisfy your thirst for knowledge without the need for time commitment.

This ebook will work on all e-readers but delivers its full punch on devices that support colour and animation. Please note the extent is between 20 to 40 pages, depending on your settings.

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What You Can Learn From 10,000 Ants (Collins Shorts, Book 4)

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