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When She Was Good

Tristan Taormino
pubblicato da Start Publishing LLC

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-20 %

When She Was Good journeys into the world of lesbian sex with uncommon, edgy stories that push lesbian lust and desire to new heights. Edited by best-selling author Tristan Taormino and selected and introduced by the dynamic Sister Spit performer Ali Liebegott, this latest edition of the best-selling lesbian erotica series in America is sensual, inventive, and breathtaking.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei , Politica e Società » Studi di Genere e gruppi sociali » Omosessuali Gay e Lesbiche

Editore Start Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/07/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781627780810

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When She Was Good

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