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When Young Men Are Tempted

William Perkins - Randy Southern
pubblicato da Zonderkidz

Prezzo online:
-11 %

This practical look at sexual purity is written directly to teens in a frank, accessible, and totally honest style to help them make decisions for sexual integrity. When Young Men Are Tempted discusses factors surrounding sexual temptation and presents a strategy to encourage and assist young men to lead morally pure lives. Author Bill Perkins offers success stories as well as testimonies of false solutions. Readers will: Understand why "wrong" things seem so "right" and how sexual appetites get out of control Learn to filter and deal with the elements of teens' pop culture work Find freedom to confront and defeat the demons of sexual compromise, bad habits, and feelings of guiltbreaking addictive cycles User-friendly ways to make healthy decisions and act on them. Discover strategies for ongoing victoryUpside-down. Turned around. Sound like a typical day for you? invert books meet you where you arein the twisted, flipped around places in your life. You've got so many relationships to focus onGod, others, and even yourselfinvert books will help you figure out how to give yourself fully to all of them. invert tackles the difficult topics that are important to youand will help you turn to focus on God more clearly.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Temi personali e sociali » Sessualità e relazioni » Bullismo, violenza, molestie

Editore Zonderkidz

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/08/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780310864684

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When Young Men Are Tempted

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