Millions of women don't feel their best and don't know why. They're not outright depressed, but they aren't really happy either. They eat too much or have gained weight lately. They find it hard to concentrate or have trouble sleeping. They feel tense, anxious, or irritable, or they're highly sensitive to criticism. They're tired and not very interested in sex (or even everyday life).
When Your Body Gets the Blues offers a clinically proven solution. A simple, drug-free treatment known as the LEVITY programLight, Exercise, and Vitamin Intervention TherapYcan help women think clearly, sleep soundly, cope easily with stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and lose unwanted poundsin 8 weeks or less!
The author's easy-to-follow program includes self-quizzes, tips for increasing exposure to light and getting mood-elevating exercise even on dark or rainy days, and six recommended vitamins and minerals proven to relieve the Body Blues.
Marie-Annette Brown, Ph.D., R.N., tested the LEVITY program on real women, and they improved significantly--far more than women who took placebo pills. In fact, many participants cut their feelings of depression in half.
One woman who completed the LEVITY program said, "I know that if I ever feel blue again, I have my own way of feeling betterI won't have to run to my doctor for a prescription."
Now, for the first time, When Your Body Gets the Blues offers the groundbreaking LEVITY program to women everywhere.
All it takes is a small investment of 20 minutes and a few pennies a day. With this clinically proven program, any womanyoung or old, active or inactivecan regain control over her mood and her life.