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WHOLE LOTTA TROUBLE is a laugh-out-loud romantic mystery!

"Deliciously frothy, and small comedic details abound." -Publishers Weekly

Sometimes the best laid plans go sideways . . .

Three female mystery book editors in Manhattan have personal and professional problems galore--which intersect with one bad-boy agent. When they set out to humiliate their problematic playboy, their plans go horribly awry. The women suddenly realize that when it comes to friendship, flirtation and felony, they're in a WHOLE LOTTA TROUBLE!


"A fun plot, a great cast of characters and a small glimpse into the world of publishing." --The Best Reviews

"Stephanie Bond seems to get so much enjoyment out of writing her stories that the joy spills over to the reader. If you like a dash of mystery, outlandish situations, great characters, and enjoy laughing, then this is the book for you." --AOL Romance Fiction Forum

"An author who has remained on my 'must-buy' list for years." --Romance Reviews Today

Looking for a good laugh tonight? A little romance? A little murder? If so, WHOLE LOTTA TROUBLE will fill the bill!

A note from the author: "This story is 100% human-generated and may contain mistakes, oversights, and a bias toward a happy ending!" --Stephanie Bond

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir » Rosa » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Stephanie Bond, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/03/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780984789221

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Whole Lotta Trouble

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