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Why Does E=MC² and Why Should We Care? - Multiple Authors - Brian Cox - Jeff Forshaw
Why Does E=MC² and Why Should We Care? - Multiple Authors - Brian Cox - Jeff Forshaw

Audiolibro Why Does E=MC² and Why Should We Care?

Multiple Authors - Brian Cox - Jeff Forshaw
pubblicato da W. F. Howes Ltd.

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In one of the most exciting and accessible explanations of The Theory of Relativity in recent years, Professors Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw go on a journey to the frontier of 21st century science to consider the real meaning behind the iconic sequence of symbols that make up Einstein's most famous equation, exploring the principles of physics through everyday life.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Argomenti d'interesse generale » Opere generali

Editore W. F. Howes Ltd.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:03.59

Pubblicato 01/01/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781407468044

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Why Does E=MC² and Why Should We Care?

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