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Why We Love Baseball

Joe Posnanski
pubblicato da Old Street Publishing

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-10 %

'Joe Posnanski is baseball's greatest modern-day storyteller, and his passion and expertise leap through every page of this book' New York TimesWhy We Love Baseball is the classic countdown of baseball's most memorable episodes, updated with a new introduction for the UK edition. Here are moments that forged legends -- Babe Ruth's called shot, Kirk Gibson's limping home run - side by side with unsung heroes, gale-force tantrums and eye-watering mishaps. With baseball poised for British take-off, this is the perfect celebration of the sport's unrivalled storytelling lore.

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Generi Sport » Altri sport

Editore Old Street Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/04/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781913083595

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Why We Love Baseball

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