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Faced with holding up their end of an impossible bargain, Van and Zander can either play nice and stay safe or keep digging up the truth and risk everything.

When Zander fails to reproduce the spectacular show of power David is so desperate to see again, he finds himself out of favor with his supposed mentor and at risk of breaking his agreement with the Eroi.

His only option to avoid the Eroi's wrath is to work more closely with them, once again subjecting himself to Ivy's mind-stealing presence. Fighting his hunger becomes secondary to convincing her that the Eroi's lies and betrayal extend to who and what she really is.

Once the most detested of the Roth siblings, Van has now become David's pet. It's clear he intends to take her into his inner circle, but at what price?

Safety for her and her family lies in meeting David's demands. It also forces Van to decide what she's willing to do in order to stay in his good graces. Committing to becoming David's protege requires crossing a line she never expected to get even close to. Can she live up to his expectations without losing herself completely?

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Editore Delsheree Gladden

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 10/10/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781310639142

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Wicked Glory

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