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Vanessa and Zander Roth are good at lying.

They have to be in order to hide their uncontrollable hunger for pain and suffering. Living a normal life is out of the question, but neither of them are willing to admit that quite yet.

The careful balance they struggle to maintain is upended by the arrival of Ivy Guerra. It's not just the vicious hunger she inspires that terrifies Van. The secrets she brings with her are far more dangerous.

As Van's suspicions mount and her determination to unmask Ivy grows, she begs Zander for help. They've fought together against their hunger for so long. This shouldn't be any different. Blinded by his fascination and attraction to Ivy, Zander brushes off his little sister's conspiracy theories.

One of them is right about Ivybut if they lose control of their hunger, it won't matter. One little slip, and they'll all be dead.

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Editore Delsheree Gladden

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/10/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781311838353

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Wicked Hunger

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