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Secrets are unraveling, but they only reveal more questions and nowhere near enough answers.

While the Roth siblings attempt to recover from a devastating confrontation with the Godlings, they each must face their own demons before they can have any hope of defeating those who hunt them.

In the midst of trying to hold their personal lives together, the Roths are called upon to rescue the captured Richiamos from the Eroi's ever-tightening grasp. Their plan seems promising until traitorous actions threaten to tear the Godlings apart.

Battling both the traitors and the Eroi is complicated further when it becomes apparent that victory won't be possible unless they can discover the truth of the Godlings' purpose.

The battles the Roth siblings are expected to win seem endless, but if they can hold onto each other and their sanity long enough to survive, they might just save everyone.

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Editore Delsheree Gladden

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 08/07/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781310488580

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Wicked Revenge

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