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"I am his muse. But not for long..."

When Mammon, the Prince of Greed, 'acquires' a half-blood slave known as 'Muse' for three nights, and bespells her with tales of a world where people live like kings and queens among towers of steel and glass, the seed of hope takes root in Muse's soul. But hope, for a half-human half-demon creature like her, is a dangerous thing. Especially when that tentative hope springs from the honeyed words of a Prince of Hell. What is Mammon's price for freedom?

Meanwhile Da'mean, her ruthless owner, would rather see her dead, than free. She belongs to him. She is his muse. And no beast will take her from him.

The netherworld is harsh and violent. Muse's demon kin are merciless, blood-hungry beasts, but little do they know, Muse has something far more dangerous coiled inside her, desperate for a taste of freedom.

Her humanity.


Reader Note:

This prequel is a short story (approx 90 mins read time). It can be read as a stand alone piece, or at any time during, prior to, or after reading any of the novel-length books in The Veil Series without spoilers.

WARNING: Wings Of Hope contains graphic scenes that some readers may find distressing.

Genre: Dark Fantasy
Recommended for 18+

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Pippa Dacosta

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/07/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230001210644

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Wings of Hope

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