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Wishing on a Star

Angelina Adams - Jody Lynn Nye
pubblicato da Phoenix Pick

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"Innovative take on the well-loved theme of fairies and dangerous wishes."Publishers Weekly

Pop goddess Selane has made some bad choices in her life on her road to success. All of her past connections have dropped her and she's desperately trying to get them (and her reputation) back.

While running a charity telethon for a debilitating children's disease, Selane discovers a remarkable girl during a broadcast a real genie and suddenly the solution to all of her problems is standing right in front of her.

But finding a genie is one thingmaking wishes that count, is something elseparticularly when the genie is a clueless teenager from California.

Maybe Ray, a fairy godmother, and the local 26-3 chapter of The Fairy Godmothers' Union can help.

Angelina Adams' companion piece follows the young genie, Vickie, as she travels to New Mexico. On her journey, a whole new host of characters befriend her, including Raj Chandra, a senior genie in the Demons, Djinni and Efreets Guild, and Indira, whose jealousy is bound to cause even more prob¬lems for the teenage wish granter.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Fantasy , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy

Editore Phoenix Pick

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 18/11/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781612422657

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Wishing on a Star

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