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Without Refuge

Diane Scott Lewis
pubblicato da Damnation Books LLC

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-10 %

The sequel to The False Light. In the wake of the French Revolution, a woman fights for success in New Orleans while searching for her lost lover.Ruined countess, Bettina Jonquiere, leaves England after the reported drowning of her lover. In New Orleans she struggles to establish a new life for her children. Soon a ruthless Frenchman demands the money stolen by her father at the start of the French Revolution. In this sequel to The False Light, Bettina is forced on a dangerous mission to France to recover the funds. She unravels dark family secrets, but will she find the man she lost as well?

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Editore Damnation Books Llc

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/03/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781615726363

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Without Refuge

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