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Wobbles an Olympic Story

Nadine Neumann
pubblicato da Glass House Books

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During WWII and the years immediately following, several men were seen by the Australian Security Service as the most dangerous men in the Commonwealth. This history book uncovers the facts to invite its readers to make up their own mind. Who was "the most dangerous man in Australia" in the years before World War II? Was it the geologist who obtained nickel and molybdenite to prolong the life of Krupp guns and help "our dear Fuhrer" to win the next war? Or perhaps the journalist who took Japanese money in return for persuading politicians that the peace-loving Japanese were no threat to Australia? Or the Vichy French Consul-General who urged the Japanese to seize New Caledonia, while he threatened the lives of Free French supporters in Australia? Or the German businessman who photographed wharves and factories and oil storage facilities for a mysterious organization in Germany? Or, collectively, the small group of Russian fascists in Brisbane who worked for the Japanese secret service in Harbin? These are some of the intriguing characters to be found in this book. Judge for yourself who deserves the distinction!

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia di altri terrritori

Editore Glass House Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781921479786

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Wobbles an Olympic Story

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