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Woodwind Quartet sheet music: Chimes Blues (parts)

Joe "King" Oliver - a cura di Francesco Leone - Woodwind Quartet Series Glissato
pubblicato da Glissato Edizioni Musicali

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Dive into the heart of jazz history with Francesco Leone's finely crafted arrangement of 'Chimes Blues' by Joe "King" Oliver, specifically designed for an intermediate woodwind quartet. This package includes a set of parts for five instruments: Flute, Oboe, B Clarinet, and Bassoon, with a thoughtful addition of a B Bass Clarinet part to provide an alternative to the Bassoon, enhancing the ensemble's tonal richness and versatility (note: the complete score is available separately).
'Chimes Blues,' one of the pivotal compositions by jazz pioneer Joe "King" Oliver, captures the essence of early jazz blues with its melancholic melodies and soul-stirring harmonies. Leone's arrangement offers a unique opportunity for woodwind quartets to delve into the nuances of jazz, embracing the genre's foundational elements while exploring its expressive potential.
To complement this musical exploration, Leone provides informative pages in a wide array of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. This extensive multilingual support ensures that musicians and scholars from across the globe can access detailed insights into the piece's background, offering a deeper understanding of its historical context. Through this arrangement, ensembles are invited to bridge cultural divides, uniting in the universal language of music to celebrate the enduring legacy of jazz.

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Generi Musica » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali

Editore Glissato Edizioni Musicali

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791220805810

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Woodwind Quartet sheet music: Chimes Blues (parts)

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