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Work-Life Balance

Aisha Franz
pubblicato da Drawn & Quarterly

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-19 %

To achieve the proper work-life balance perhaps we just need the right therapist to coach us through our day-to-day. Anita, Sandra, and Dex have ambitions. Anita wants to move from making utility ceramics to fine art sculpture but her pent up dissatisfaction results in an outburst that puts her studio mate's work at risk. Sandra juggles her practical administrative day job at a startup with her wellness influencer channel, finding both in jeopardy when a messy affair with her coworker comes to light. In another corner of the same startup, Dex's innovative ideas are rejected, leading him to spend his days hacking and working as a bike courier. All three are disillusioned with their daily grinds. As the pressure for self-improvement builds they all end up looking to the same therapist for answers. Soon the boundaries between work and life begin to bleed into each other and it becomes increasingly impossible to find balance. All the solace the characters expect their therapist to provide is obscured by her quirks, whims, and psycho-parlance, leading to sessions that are neglectful at best and actively inhibit growth at worst. In striking colors and trippy transformational sequences, Aisha Franz captures the comedic absurdity of contemporary work-life and wellness culture. Work-Life Balance is translated from the German by Nicholas Houde.

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Generi Fumetti » Storia, Attualità e Letteratura a fumetti

Editore Drawn & Quarterly

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/04/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781770466906

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Work-Life Balance

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