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Written in Stone

Ellery Adams
pubblicato da Penguin Publishing Group

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-10 %

When Munin Cooper, known as the Witch of Oyster Bay, warns Olivia Limoges that death is coming, neither of them realize that it is the older woman herself who will soon be found dead. And Olivia's instincts tell her that somethingor someonemore sinister than a mystical force is at play

Olivia has a lot on her plate preparing for the Coastal Carolina Food Festival. When she hears the news of Munin's untimely death, however, finding the murderer takes priority. The witch left behind a memory jug full of keepsakes that Olivia knows must point to the killerbut she's got to figure out what they mean.

With handsome Police Chief Rawlings by her side, Olivia starts to identify some of the jug's mysterious contentsand finds its secrets are much darker than she suspected. Now Olivia must enlist the help of the Bayside Book Writers to solve the puzzle behind the piece of pottery and put an end to a vengeful killer before any more damage can be done

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir » Fantasy

Editore Penguin Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/11/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781101612057

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Written in Stone

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