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Collects Uncanny X-Men Annual #1, Exterminated #1, Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1. A time for grief and a time for joy! First, in EXTERMINATION's aftermath, the X-Men mourn their fallen brother, Cable. But no one takes it harder than his adopted daughter, Hope Summers. Can she cope with the loss, or will Hope start down a dark path from which there is no return? Only Jean Grey can save Hope from herself! Plus: Chris Claremont celebrates Nathan's childhood with a special unseen tale! And as one Summers falls, another makes his glorious return! But just how does Cyclops come back from the dead and who's behind it? Then, it's season's greetings from the X-Men with 25 tales of merry mutants! What does Magneto do for Hanukkah? What's Rogue and Gambit's first married Christmas like? And who kidnapped Jubilee?!

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Generi Non definito

Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302517618

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