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York (newspaper edition) - Terry Deary
York (newspaper edition) - Terry Deary

York (newspaper edition)

Terry Deary
pubblicato da Scholastic

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HORRIBLE HISTORIES: YORK takes readers on a gore-tastic tour of thestreets of York, exposing all of its most scurrilous secrets. With the frightful map tourists can plot their path to the past. Deadly diseases, horrendous highwaymen and vicious Vikings, it'sa trip no Horrible Histories fan will want to miss!

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Generi Children » 6-8 » Art & Music , Music & Entertainment » Humor Books , Travel & Holiday » Street maps & City plants

Editore Scholastic

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 04/07/2024

Pagine 144

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9780702337697

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York (newspaper edition)

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