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You're Not Safe

Mary Burton
pubblicato da Kensington

Prezzo online:

He Will Never Forget

The broken body hanging from a tree in Texas Hill Country. . .the frozen figure huddled in a meat locker. . .only at second glance does the truth become apparent. What seems like suicide is far more sinister, and the terror is only beginning. . .

Never Forgive

One devastating moment changed Greer Templeton's life and ended two others. Now, with a body found on her property and Texas Ranger Tec Bragg on her doorstep, Greer's nightmare has returned. With each new victim, her link to Tec's case grows, and soon it will be too late to run.

And Never Let Them Live. . .

Greer hoped the past was behind her, but an obsessed killer has never forgotten the bond that unites them. One by one, he will track down his victims, finish what was started--and make Greer's dying wish come true. . .

Praise for Mary Burton's The Seventh Victim

"Dark and disturbing, a well-written tale of obsession and murder." Kat Martin

"Burton delivers action-packed tension." Publishers Weekly

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Thriller

Editore Kensington

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781420136180

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