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Zombie CSU - Jonathan Maberry
Zombie CSU - Jonathan Maberry

Audiolibro Zombie CSU

Jonathan Maberry
pubblicato da Tantor Media, Inc

Prezzo online:

Since Night of the Living Dead, zombies have been a frightening fixture on the pop culture landscape, lumbering after hapless humans, slurping up brains and veins and whatever warm, fleshy matter they can clench in their rotting limbs. But what if they were real? What would happen if, tomorrow, corpses across the nation began springing up out of their graves and terrorizing the living? Employing hard science and solid police worknot to mention jaw-dropping (literally!) humorZombie CSU is the only guide available to staying alive and avoiding the undead. At last listeners can:

Investigate zombie crime scenes, collecting and analyzing evidence of zombie attacks

Examine the psychology of the zombie and develop a perp profile

Observe medical science pros as they probe felled zombies for forensic clues

Devise a zombie apocalypse survival scorecard and more!

Complete with lists of must-see zombie flicks from around the globe and tons of tips for kicking undead butt, Zombie CSU features hundreds of interviews with real zombie experts, forensics experts, detectives, filmmakers, and more.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Storia e Critica letteraria » Letteratura, storia e critica , Storia e Biografie » Storia sociale e culturale , Scienza e Tecnica » Biologia

Editore Tantor Media, Inc

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 11:33.17

Pubblicato 29/06/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781705288528

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