A. James Fuller
edito da
The Kent State University Press, 2013
eBooks - Ebook
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A. James Fuller
edito da
The Kent State University Press, 2017
eBooks - Ebook
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Lawrence Sondhaus
A. James Fuller
edito da
Taylor & Francis, 2007
eBooks - Ebook
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Arlisha Norwood
Mark Elliott
A. James Fuller
Nicolas Barreyre
Peter Wallenstein
Mari N. Crabtree
Troy D. Smith
PhD Professor Don H. Doyle
David Moltke-Hansen
Krista Kinslow
J. Mills Thornton
Garry Bertholf
Marina Bilbija
Peter Eisenstadt
Lawrence T. McDonnell
edito da
University of Virginia Press, 2023
eBooks - Ebook
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A. James Fuller
Balraj Gill
Craig B. Hollander
Craig Steven Wilder
Diane Windham Shaw
Ellen Griffith Spears
Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
J. Brent Morris
James C. Hall
Jennifer Bridges Oast
Jim Henle
Kabria Baumgartner
Katherine Stevens
Mark Auslander
Martha A. Sandweiss
Patrick Jamieson
R. Owen Williams
Ruth J. Simmons
Sven Beckert
William B. Hart
Ywone Edwards-Ingram
edito da
University of Georgia Press, 2019
eBooks - Ebook
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