Douglas R. Egerton
edito da
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014
eBooks - Ebook
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Douglas R. Egerton
edito da
The University of North Carolina Press, 2000
eBooks - Ebook
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Douglas R. Egerton
edito da
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2004
eBooks - Ebook
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Douglas R. Egerton
edito da
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010
eBooks - Ebook
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Douglas R. Egerton
edito da
Oxford University Press, 2009
eBooks - Ebook
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Douglas R. Egerton
edito da
Taylor & Francis, 2013
eBooks - Ebook
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Douglas R. Egerton
Tantor Media, Inc., 2016
Audiobooks - Audiolibro
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A. Arnold
Albert Valdman
Catherine Reinhardt
Diane Morrow
Douglas R. Egerton
Gabriel Louis Moyal
Joan Dayan
John Claiborne Isbell
Kimberly Hanger
Leara Rhodes
Marie-José N'Zengou-Tayo
edito da
University of Georgia Press, 2016
eBooks - Ebook
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Carol Reardon
Connie L. Lester
Douglas R. Egerton
Ellen Eslinger
Gary L. Hewitt
John C. Inscoe
John Mayfield
Michael D. Green
Peter Stern
Randolph Campbell
Randolph Hollingsworth
Richard Zuczek
edito da
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003
eBooks - Ebook
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Amy S. Greenberg
Bruce C. Levine
Douglas R. Egerton
Frank Towers
James Oakes
Joan Cashin
John David Smith
Matthew Pinsker
Michael Green
T. Michael Parrish
Thomas J. Balcerski
William P. MacKinnon
edito da
LSU Press, 2019
eBooks - Ebook
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Edward L. Ayers
William Davis
Douglas R. Egerton
Barbara Gannon
Hilary Green
Anna Gibson Holloway
Caroline E. Janney
Michelle Krowl
Barton A. Myers
Terry Alford
Melodie Andrews
Danalisa DeAnne Blanton
Michael Burlingame
John M. Coski
Michael Gray
Allen Carl Guelzo
Vitor Izecksohn
Glenn W. LaFantasie
Jennifer M. Murray
Timothy J. Orr
Chris Phillips
Mark S. Schantz
Dana Shoaf
Walter B. Stahr
Michael Vorenberg
Ronald C. White
Katherine Reynolds Chaddock
Stephen D. Engle
edito da
University of Georgia Press, 2023
eBooks - Ebook
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