Glenn T. Eskew
edito da
The University of North Carolina Press, 2000
eBooks - Ebook
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Ann Short Chirhart
Betty Alice Fowler
Carlos Dews
Deborah G. Plant
Elizabeth Gillespie McRae
Glenn T. Eskew
John C. Inscoe
Kathleen Ann Clark
Kathryn Nasstrom
Leslie Dunlap
Mary Rolinson
Paul Hudson
Randall L. Patton
Robin M. Morris
Rosemary M. Magee
Sarah Gordon
Scott Kaufman
Steve Goodson
edito da
University of Georgia Press, 2014
eBooks - Ebook
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Robert M. Adelman
Fred Brooks
Jennifer Chirico
Obie Clayton
Glenn T. Eskew
Charles A. Gallagher
Gregory Hall
Katherine B. Hankins
Melissa M. Hayes
Cynthia Hewitt
Charles Jaret
Larry Keating
Douglas J. Krupka
Douglas S. Noonan
Glenwood Ross
Michael Rushton
Matthew Wooten
Georgia State University Truman A. Hartshorn
David L Sjoquist
edito da
Lexington Books, 2009
eBooks - Ebook
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