Sarah Gordon
edito da
Yale University Press, 2015
eBooks - Ebook
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Patricia Boulter
Jean-Sebastien Boutet
Emilie Cameron
Sarah Gordon
Heather Green
Jane Hammond
Joella Hogan
Arn Keeling
Tyler Levitan
Hereward Longley
Scott Midgley
Kevin OReilly
Andrea Procter
John Sandlos
Alexandra Winton
edito da
University of Calgary Press, 2015
eBooks - Ebook
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Benjamin B. Alexander
Christina Bieber-Lake
Farrell O'Gorman
Gary Cuiba
George Piggford
Henry T. Edmondson III
John F. Desmond
John Roos
John Sikes Jr.
Marc Bosco
Margaret Earley Whitt
Michael L. Schroeder
Ralph Wood
Sarah Gordon
edito da
The University Press of Kentucky, 2017
eBooks - Ebook
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Ann Short Chirhart
Betty Alice Fowler
Carlos Dews
Deborah G. Plant
Elizabeth Gillespie McRae
Glenn T. Eskew
John C. Inscoe
Kathleen Ann Clark
Kathryn Nasstrom
Leslie Dunlap
Mary Rolinson
Paul Hudson
Randall L. Patton
Robin M. Morris
Rosemary M. Magee
Sarah Gordon
Scott Kaufman
Steve Goodson
edito da
University of Georgia Press, 2014
eBooks - Ebook
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