Stephen Aron
edito da
Oxford University Press, 2022
eBooks - Ebook
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Stephen Aron
edito da
Oxford University Press, 2014
eBooks - Ebook
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Stephen Aron
edito da
Mel Bay Publications, Inc., 2018
eBooks - Ebook
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Estill Curtis Pennington
Gerald L. Smith
John Thelin
Mark V. Wetherington
Maryjean Wall
Matthew Clarke
Mollie Eblen
Nikos Pappas
Patrick Snadon
Randolph Hollingsworth
Shearer Davis Bowman
Stephen Aron
Tom Eblen
edito da
The University Press of Kentucky, 2012
eBooks - Ebook
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Alexandra M. Lord
Augusta Rohrbach
James M Van Wyck
Jordan M Reed
Joseph M. Vukov
Karen Wilson
Leanne M Horinko
Leonard Cassuto
Melissa Dalgleish
Michael J. McGandy
Paula Chambers
Robert Townsend
Robert Weisbuch
Stephen Aron
Vernita Burrell
William Fenton
edito da
Rutgers University Press, 2021
eBooks - Ebook
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Edward J. Cashin
David Grimsted
Gary L. Hewitt
Alison Duncan Hirsch
Phillip W. Hoffman
Thomas J. Humphrey
Michelle Leung
Katherine M. J. McKenna
Gary B. Nash
Jon W. Parmenter
John Sainsbury
John Shy
Sheila Skemp
Daniel Vickers
Maurice Jackson
University of California Stephen Aron
edito da
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000
eBooks - Ebook
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Organization of American Historians
David Armitage
Stephen Aron
Edward L. Ayers
Thomas Bender
Stuart M. Blumin
J. D. Bowers
Stuart M. Burton
Jonathan Chu
Kathleen Dalton
Betty A. Dessants
Ted Dickson
Kevin Gaines
Melvyn P. Leffler
Louisa B. Moffitt
Philip D. Morgan
Mark A. Noll
Gary W. Reichard
Daniel T. Rodgers
Leila J. Rupp
Brenda Santos
Gloria Sesso
Shammas Carole
Suzanne M. Sinke
Omar Valerio-Jimenez
Penny M. Von Eschen
Patrick Wolfe
Pingchao Zhu
edito da
University of Illinois Press, 2024
eBooks - Ebook
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