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when you peel marble - Simona Da Pozzo - Pietro Gaglianò - Nicola Ciancio - Marco Izzolino - Alessandra Arnò
when you peel marble - Simona Da Pozzo - Pietro Gaglianò - Nicola Ciancio - Marco Izzolino - Alessandra Arnò
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When you peel the marble presents the first act of Atlas dei Corpi research by visual artist Simona Da Pozzo.

The project 'Atlas dei Corpi' was born as an artistic practice around a specific monument to investigate alternative forms of memorisation and collective narrative to monuments. Inserting herself in an international debate that includes the politics of public space, post-colonial heritage and gender issues, Simona Da Pozzo proposes a shift from the verticality and untouchability of monuments towards an open and relational dimension.

The monument at the heart of the project is Corpo di Napoli (Body of Naples): the monument is an anthropomorphic representation of the River Nile made by the Egyptian community living in Naples in the 2nd century AD.

Via four contributions born from the conversations that arisen from the 'Quando sbucci il marmo' exhibition, the book recount the artist's first two years of research: an introduction by Nicola Ciancio from Ex-voto association; the epistolary confrontation with the curator Pietro Gaglianò; notes about the books of the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria; the gaze of the videoart curator Alessandra Arnò and the historical perspective of Marco Izzolino.

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Editore Ex-voto

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230007947889

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when you peel marble

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