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Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible Volume 1

Mike Mignola - John Arcudi - Scott Allie
pubblicato da Dark Horse Comics

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-20 %

On the run from the B.P.R.D., a newly mutated Abe Sapien--more inhuman than before--travels across a United States transformed and overrun by monsters. Abe's search for the truth about himself--or his race away from his fate--mirrors the quest of an ancient necromancer to seize control of a world literally going to hell.

This digital book collects Abe Sapien volumes 3-5 (the beggining of the Dark and Terrible story), plus an expanded sketchbook section.

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel

Editore Dark Horse Comics

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781506733890

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Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible Volume 1

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