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Arthur goes Back to School

Gene Lipen
pubblicato da Arthurs World LLC

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He's on his biggest quest yet. Will the classroom be the toughest project he's ever tackled?

Always the eager student, Arthur is ready for a day filled with learning. Slightly nervous about his next big challenge, this curious doggy can't wait to come back to class and find out which subjects he'll get to study. And after bouncing onto the yellow bus, he happily hangs his head out the window looking for his new school friends.

Sitting pretty in class with his ears pricked, he laps up every subject from reading and geography to science and math. But with his mind spinning at the end of a busy day, Arthur needs a good night's sleep if he's to get the most from tomorrow's lessons!

Will all the new things Arthur learns make him a smarter dog?

Arthur goes Back to School is packed with delightful drawings, wonderful rhymes, and easy-to-follow stories. From classroom activities to playground fun, every reader will enjoy a fascinating educational journey bursting with most excellent facts.

Arthur goes Back to School is the frolicking fourth book in the colorfully illustrated Kids Books for Young Explorers series for ages three to nine. If you or your child like reading dog-themed poems, getting excited about school, and unleashing an adventurous spirit, then you'll love Gene Lipen's exceptional escapade.

Buy Arthur goes Back to School to bound to the top of the class today!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Animali » Scuola » Apprendimento » Alfabeto

Editore Arthurs World Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/08/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781950904167

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Arthur goes Back to School

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