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Awakening Fractured Memories Volume 01

A. V. Dalcourt
pubblicato da Fantasy Ethos

Prezzo online:

Nobody can forget The Awakening, but everybody remembers it differently.

The Awakening changed the face of reality itself - a cataclysm of dimensional proportions, unleashing all manner of demonic beasts upon the world of man. Now, only fractured remnants of humanity survive; locked in an endless battle against the forces of darkness.

In Awakening Fractured Memories, you'll delve into the recollections of five pivotal characters in the realm of The Awakening - each reliving a foundational event that set them on the course toward turning back the tide of evil.

Venerable wizard Dezmond must revisit the tragedies of his past if he hopes to provide his granddaughter with a future. Academy athlete Seth needs to learn the bend the rules if he hopes to win a game of life-or-death. Scheming William develops an obsession with an ancient text, which threatens to turn his closest friends against him, while demon hunter Astral has to fight for her freedom from the very depths of Hell itself.

Finally, in the lair of mad scientist Mallik, an abominable chimera is unleashed - forging a twisted alliance and throwing everything Mallik thought he knew about demonic lore into question.

Fast-paced, tautly written, and rich with dream-like symbolism and visceral detail, Awaking Fractured Memories is a collection of five linked stories that will plunge you deep into A. V. Dalcourt's The Awakening universe.

Fans of George R. R. Martin, Terry Brooks, and H. P. Lovecraft will love this collection of fast-paced, eerily visceral short stories.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Fantasy Ethos

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/10/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780987902771

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Awakening Fractured Memories Volume 01

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